Sechi Daisho

Keep a light, hopeful heart, but expect the worst


Age: 24
Race: Au ra, Raen
Nameday: 17th sun of the Third Umbral Moon
Place of Birth: Othard
Orientation: Bisexual


Haircolour: Pale Blonde
Skintone: Pale, almost ghostlike
Eyecolour: Indigo
Height: 150 centimeters
Physique: Slender, to the point of being skinny.


At first glance, Sechi is a kind young woman with a permanent smile plastered to her face. Her words are like honey, glazed by pure undiluted sugar. Look into those cold blue eyes, however, and you'll find a cynical soul, warry of people's intentions and the nature of men. Despite this, she still yearns for connection, eagerly throwing herself into yet another endeavor.


Sechi was born to a young Kami-devoted couple living near the East Othard Coastline before the liberation from the Garleans. Ever the intuitive girl, she often wandered off on her own, preferring to watch the blue ocean skies. Her tenth birthday was marked by such a trip, setting out before the break of dawn. Little did the Raen know she would find herself entangled in a territorial fued between two pirate factions, the ones her mother had always warned her about. A little while later, she would see herself aboard one of the ships, as collateral damage of sorts. She spent a great many years aboard this Limsa Lominsa-bound ship, serving her masters who had little regard for her well-being. The constant malnutrition prevented the girl's body from maturing properly, leaving her with chronic Anemia and a sickly pale skin. Sechi had long grown bitter, resenting the pirates who took her, but most of all herself and her frail body.Years later, The Raen would find the man that would change her life and mark her for the years to come. One faithful night, the familiar raiders entered her quarters, but they were not alone. In their midst was an Elezen of Ishgardian descent, in his eyes an ice cold sadness. Sechi had once more been traded off like a common whore, but for a prize that would put the prettiest, most sought after diamond to shame. The prospect of leaving her long-time captors had sparked something in her and she caught herself feeling a glimmer of hope for the first time in a long while.So the man, chirurgeon and alchemist by trade, took her in. She was dressed, nurtured and cared for, finding herself indebted to the man who had so graciously saved her. Soon, he would become her everything, his imperious voice and possessive personality never quite bothering the infatuated Raen. Soon she found herself doing everything to gain his approval, without as much as a second thought. She aimed to please, her innocence and shame like a far off memory. It was only when his loving touch turned into a pernicious blow that she finally understood that their relation wasn't what she had thought it was. Still, she held on. She held on until her hands bled, until one day, her Maxime, the one who she had dedicated her life to, disappeared, leaving only an office stripped of its contents behind. Among his ransacked belongings she found his signature glasses. Sechi vowed to protect them with her life, the only physical memory she has left of five years of living like a captive bird.


Three years have passed since her world shattered into fragments. Dressed in the snow white garb bestowed to her by her now still missing patron, she ventures the streets, both dreading and longing for her Patron's return. The Raen has made a living selling gems that she mines herself, even if her physical strength leaves much to be desired. Her past has made her bitter and resentful, but never overtly so, the spite carefully hidden behind a smile that could rival the harshest Coerthan winter. Behind that facade is a girl that yearns for stability, comfort and maybe even happiness, in a world that has granted her none.

OOC Info:
Hey there! Thanks for checking out Sechi's carrd!
A few things worth noting:
-I'm from the Netherlands, Europe. My Timezone is GMT + 2
-Sechi has a bit of a mature story, but that does not mean I solely ERP. Talk to me about what you want and we'll figure something out. I am 21+-I prefer scene setting before actually RP-ing. Walk-ups are fine, but be mindful.-My preferred form of RP are Paragraphs. I enjoy writing a whole lot, but I'll adjust to my partner.-I absolutely adore OCs and developing relationships between characters. If that is something you share, then let's talk!-Let's be friends in game! I won't force you to be BFFs but I do enjoy long term RPs. Ask for my discord!


-Visions in White: Perhaps you've caught a glimpse of the snow white Raen while walking the streets of Ul'dah, with or without her beloved patron. Sechi wears white almost exclusively, and mixed with her complexion, it makes her stick out like a sore thumb against the sandstone of the desert city.-All that Glitters: Sechi makes a living by selling gems and precious wares near the sapphire exchange avenue. Although she doesn't don the rugged looks of a conventional miner, Sechi sure seems dedicated to her trade. Customer or fellow merchant, she is always eager to chat.-Unfortunate Adventurer: Sechi is prone to getting lost while mining. More often than not, the physical work leads to exhaustion, which in turn leads to forced breaks in the middle of nowhere. Surely a tired girl would appreciate a little help...? Right? Maybe. Eh, you can always try.-Wayward Heart: Even if Sechi feels very little sentiment towards her birthplace of Doma, she does find a sense of comfort in meeting fellow countrymen. Perhaps you can bring a little piece of the East to the Eorzea-bound Raen.-Fuzzy bunnies: If you show Sechi anything related to Spriggans, she may or may not freak out, before kindly requesting you to hand it over.